Asian Efficiency โ€“ Rituals System

I Was a High-School Dropout Watching My Life Pass Me By. But Then I Discovered This System That Changed My Life Forever.

The System That Effortlessly Installs Any Habit in an Hour and Makes It Run on Autopilot (Without You Ever Having to Think About It)

The 5 Telltale Signs That Habits Arenโ€™t Working for You

Life feels like itโ€™s happening to you because youโ€™re not in control. And to get back in control, you need good habits, but theyโ€™re hard to stick to. Everyone has a finite amount of willpower, and when your habits take a lot of effort, you just donโ€™t keep going with them.

Weโ€™ve noticed some common signs of struggling to form good habits. The quotes below are right from our clients, but weโ€™ve felt the same way sometimes, too.

Any of this sound familiar?

1. You get excited about forming a new habit, but it only lasts three days at most before you give up. Weeks go by before you talk yourself into getting back into the habit.

โ€œI think it just takes energy and focus for a stretch of time in the beginning and I havenโ€™t sustained that.โ€

2. Each time you skip a habit, you find the perfect excuse for why you skip it, but the next day you feel guilty for not following through.

โ€œThereโ€™s some shame tied in thereโ€ฆitโ€™s got an effect on my confidence. I donโ€™t feel as good about myself.โ€

3. You procrastinate until something becomes a crisis and you have to do it to avoid negative consequences. For some reason, you canโ€™t push yourself to do tasks until youโ€™re in crisis mode.

โ€œI only do things when I absolutely have to, like more โ€˜emergencyโ€™ instead of โ€˜getting out ahead of it and doingโ€™ important.โ€

4. You tell yourself that something else is more important than your habit as an excuse for not doing it. No matter how unimportant the other thing is, you convince yourself that itโ€™s MORE important than starting your habit.

โ€œIโ€™m either lying to myself that Iโ€™ll go later, or Iโ€™m putting something else and making it more important.โ€

5. You donโ€™t have enough motivation and willpower for when you need them mostโ€”especially at night and after a long day of work.

โ€œThe moment that I leave work, it all just falls apart. Whether itโ€™s willpower, I honestly canโ€™t tellโ€”It must be a willpower thing. It just all falls apart. No consistency.โ€

If you can identify with any of these, thatโ€™s a red flag that the way you try to form new habits isnโ€™t working for you. Youโ€™re probably missing one or two little things that prevent you from sticking to these habits.

Trying to remember when to do your habits is a recipe for disaster. We all have too much to remember as it is. So we need to start writing habits down.

Youโ€™ve probably tried to use sticky notes on your monitor as reminders. Theyโ€™re great, but only when youโ€™re sitting at that one spot, and even then they only work half the time.

Calendar reminders are great too, but once you ignore them a couple of times, you stop taking them seriously and they become an annoyance.

You start doing random tricks like sleeping in your gym clothes so youโ€™ll exercise first thing in the morning or drinking a lot of water before bed so you wonโ€™t sleep in.

Then there are tons of those little streak apps on your phone. Youโ€™ve heard that if you mark an โ€œXโ€ every day you do a habit, that itโ€™s more likely to stick. So you end up buying all these different apps, but none of them do the trick.

All these little tricks and hacks might work for a day or two. But they donโ€™t help you form and keep new habits. What else can you do?

Hereโ€™s a secret almost no one else will tell you:

Habits Donโ€™t Work.

Now this might be a bit controversial, given how popular habits are right now. But we want you to have real information, even if that means going against the grain. If something doesnโ€™t work, it doesnโ€™t work. And hereโ€™s why habits donโ€™t:

1. Habits are vague.

When people tell you to pick up the habit of โ€œpositive thinking,โ€ what does that even mean? Rituals are specific.

You know exactly what you need to do. Thereโ€™s no thinking or second guessing involved.

2. Habits arenโ€™t sticky.

Everyone makes it sound easy to just walk more, wake up earlier, and meditate. What they donโ€™t tell you is how to get started and how to keep it going. Without a solid game plan and system, maintaining habits can become a second full-time job.

With Rituals, you donโ€™t have to worry about that.

3. Habits donโ€™t show you how.

When someone says to โ€œpick up the habit of exercise,โ€ how do you know where to start? How do you do this without getting overwhelmed? How do you make it part of your life without disrupting everything else you have going on?

Habits donโ€™t address the HOW. Rituals do.

The whole foundation of Rituals is that theyโ€™re easy to follow, go step by step, and are effortless to doโ€”itโ€™s the system that fuels this.

As part of a Rituals System, habits become easy.

What Rituals Will Do For You and Your Success

By now you know that having the right rituals can change your life. When you install the seven rituals all successful people have, itโ€™s only a matter of time until you become successful.

So what does successful actually feel like? Well, here are some of the things we at Asian Efficiency, as well as our clients, have felt after implementing the Rituals System:

  • Habits just clickโ€”you donโ€™t have to think about them anymore (they just run on autopilot)
  • Youโ€™re less stressed in the morning before work and are actually excited about your upcoming day
  • Waking up early becomes easy and you feel in charge of your day
  • You walk and exercise more (regardless of the weather because youโ€™re now addicted to it)
  • You have more energy after work so you can still do important things if you choose to (or just relax guilt free)
  • You have more leisure time, thanks to all the rituals that streamline your life
  • You go to bed at night with the satisfaction of knowing you gave it all youโ€™ve got
  • You donโ€™t feel rushed and anxious when youโ€™re under a lot of pressure (you now have a ritual to get rid of your stress in less than three minutes and focus on the task at hand)

You Can Learn the EXACT Step-by-Step System for Installing Habits and Rituals That Stick

Installing any habit and keeping it should be easy and effortless. It should be something you can do once and never have to think about again. It doesnโ€™t have to be a daily, endless struggle of willpower and discipline.

A habit should be a part of your daily life without you ever having to think about it. Just like how you brush your teeth or tie your shoes.

You just do it.

Thatโ€™s what the Rituals System can do for you.

It will let you install any habit without failure, by following a simple step-by-step system you can implement in under an hour without having to think about it.

Itโ€™s the EXACT step-by-step system we use to install any habit. Weโ€™ve taught it to hundreds of private clients and customers over the last four years.

Itโ€™s what Zack, the Asian Efficiency podcast host, has used to get out of $9,241 in debt in under a year and to get multiple investments working for him. Itโ€™s what changed my life, allowing me to become one of the highest-paid time management consultants in the world. It all started with the system that enabled me to install the habits of a morning routine, daily journaling, exercise, an evening routine, and many others.

Now I donโ€™t even think twice about these habits. Theyโ€™ve become rituals that are now a part of my daily life. When youโ€™re at this stage, you donโ€™t have to โ€œmaintainโ€ your habits anymoreโ€”theyโ€™re just something you do every day.

The Rituals System allows you to have that consistency. Whether thatโ€™s a daily habit or something you have to do once a week, the system makes it easy for you to do it without wasting any energy on remembering what to do or when to do it.

Now I have to admitโ€”Iโ€™m not perfect. Sometimes I slip up and I skip or forget to do one habit. Sometimes Iโ€™ll go out for drinks, come home late, and skip my rituals that night and the next day.

Iโ€™ll usually feel bad about it for a moment, but luckily I have the Rituals System to fall back on.

Whenever I slip up, I just follow the system again and with the same excitement and accuracy, I instantly regain my ritual.

So you might be wondering which rituals you need to have. There are literally hundreds of rituals you can install, but which are the most important?

To avoid wasting time, weโ€™ve distilled it down to just seven must-haves. These are the rituals that all highly successful and productive people share.